High Protein Breakfast: Turkey & Egg Skillet Bake

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, breakfast often takes a backseat. Why take time to whip up something nutritious when it’s so easy to quickly snag a snack bar or grab a pack of pop-tarts on your way out the door?

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Well, that’s up for debate. But what I DO believe is that breakfast will set the tone for the rest of your day. And eating a protein-filled and nutrient-dense meal within a few hours of waking will help balance your blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, and ensure you’re energized and focused for the day.

“But I don’t have time….”

I hear you. Even though I work from home, I still much prefer to have breakfast meal prepped and ready to heat up when it’s time to eat. Enter my solution: the Turkey and Egg Skillet Bake.

This is one of my favorite meal prep options and my go-to recipe most often. It’s perfect for starting my day with a satisfying meal and it's an easy way to get more protein early in the day - delicious, convenient, and optimal nutrients! Picture this: a hearty blend of lean turkey, wholesome eggs, and an array of colorful veggies, all baked to perfection in a single skillet.

The best part about this recipe is its versatility. You can be intentional in the ingredients you use - stocking up on your favorite veggies… ORRRR you can just use up whatever is in your fridge that you need to clear out. Easy, breezy!

Why should I eat more protein for breakfast?

Protein is the building block of our body - supporting muscles, bones, and skin, and playing a crucial role in numerous bodily functions. By incorporating protein-rich foods into your morning routine, you’ll feel fuller longer, keeping your mood stabilized, fending off late morning cravings and and promoting better focus. All of this can help improve appetite control and promote better weight management, making it a great choice for maintaining a balanced diet.

Do yourself a favor - take a little time to prep your breakfast, nourish your body, and set yourself up for mental and physical success throughout the day. Keep scrolling for the recipe.

Ground turkey and egg bake in a cast iron skillet.

Turkey & Bake Skillet Bake


  • 1 lb ground turkey

  • 6 eggs

  • 1 small container (5.3 oz) cottage cheese

  • 1 package (9 oz) fresh spinach

  • 1 package (10 oz) shredded carrots

  • Salt, pepper, & seasonings of choice

  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Brown turkey in cast iron skillet over medium heat with seasonings.

  2. When almost cooked through, stir in carrots and cook for about 5 minutes.

  3. Add spinach and cook until wilted and combined. Turn off heat.

  4. Blend eggs and cottage cheese in blender with salt and pepper. (Or whip in a bowl.)

  5. Pour egg mixture over meat and veggies in skillet.

  6. Top evenly with shredded cheese.

  7. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-35 minutes, until eggs are cooked through.

  8. Let cool and cut into 6-8 servings.

Tips and Notes

  • Six servings of this will give you roughly 25 grams of protein per serving; eight servings will be about 20 grams of protein.

  • You can also choose to transfer ingredients to a baking dish if you don’t have an oven-safe skillet. Place meat and veggie mixture into dish, top with blended egg mixture, and add shredded cheese on top. Bake as instructed.

  • You can swap or add any other veggies you desire! I usually switch up my greens and have used veggies like kale, broccoli, and zucchini.

  • I also like adding a complex carb source - some options include roasted sweet potatoes, black beans, cooked brown rice or cooked quinoa - these will also add a bit more protein!

  • If you want a little more flavor, try simmering the meat and veggie mixture in 2-3 tablespoons of coconut aminos after cooked…delish!


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