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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Boost Your Health with the Right Supportive Supplements For Stress

Feeling a little (or a lot) stressed? As you’re probably aware by now, you're not alone. The majority of people are living in a state of chronic stress. I feel like we’re all just walking around holding our breath, looking over our shoulder (but straining because our necks are so stiff), and waiting for the other shoe to drop…metaphorically speaking. In this article, we'll explore more about how stress affects nutrient levels and talk about some supplements that may help you feel your best.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

High Protein Breakfast: Turkey & Egg Skillet Bake

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Well, that’s up for debate. But I do believe eating breakfast within a few hours of waking can help set the tone for your day. And getting adequate protein is always a challenge when it comes to the early morning hours. Try this turkey and egg skillet bake recipe to prep ahead of time and make your mornings a little more protein-packed and a little less stressful.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

The Importance of Hydrating: How Much Water Should You Really Drink?

Did you know your body is made up of about 60% water? That's right, we're basically walking water balloons with a few extra parts! But don't let that fact float away, because proper hydration isn't just a neat party trick; it's vital to good health. You should always be getting the right amount of water daily – even if you don’t feel thirsty.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Eat the Rainbow: Celebrate The Vibrancy of Nutrition

Eat the rainbow! Plant foods get their color from the active phytonutrients they contain. And each color variety of fresh produce offers unique nutrients and health benefits. By incorporating a larger spectrum of colors into your diet, you get a wider range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients into your body – all of which are essential for optimal health.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutrition and lifestyle are integral parts of connecting all the pieces of you – body, mind and spirit. Food was naturally designed to help our bodies survive internal and external factors. Yet the things we consume in today’s society are not only harming us, but slowly killing us. How can Nutritional Therapy help?

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Improve Mental Health Through Food Choices: 5 Steps to Better Nutrition

Nutrition plays a key role in mental health. From what you eat to how often you eat and how your body processes food can affect how you think, feel and act. Along with regular movement, a balanced diet that’s rich in nutrients provides your body with everything it needs to help you navigate a healthier mind. Read more about the impacts food can have on mental health and what steps you can take to start nourishing your body and mind.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

It’s Quitting Time: Resolution or Bust

Is it about that time? The time you start saying, “I’m not seeing results. I should just quit.” Let’s be truthful here – quitting is the easy way out. Making changes takes real work. It takes planning, preparation, and sincere effort to do what you said you were going to do in the first place. Let’s talk about why you may not be seeing the results you want and what you can do about it.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Triggered. “I kindly ask that you not comment on my body.”

This week, Jonah Hill made headlines because he asked for people to not make his body a topic of conversation. A message to his Instagram followers was complete with acknowledgement, understanding and a simple note of it “doesn’t feel good” regardless of the intent. I can’t do it enough justice when I tell you I felt that with every inch of my soul.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Listen To Me, I’m A Self-Care Expert

Just kidding…. I won’t even pretend I’m an expert in self care. In fact, I’m the exact oppposite.

Here’s what I’m an expert in:

Intense anxiety.

Crippling self doubt.

Stress-induced insomnia.

Obviously, imposter syndrome. (Amiright?)

Laying on my couch staring at my ceiling because my brain is a frozen ball of overwhelmed mush and I have no ability to do, think, or literally move at all.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Supplementing A Healthy Lifestyle

With all the vitamins and supplements that are in the market, it can be hard to know what to look for when you want to add something extra to your daily routine. I often get asked what things I incorporate into daily life or my fitness routine, so I put together a list of things that I currently use.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Body and Mind Transformation

People who’ve only known me in recent years are often surprised to find out I have gone through my own weight journey. When I share I have lost 100 pounds (give or take), it’s met with disbelief until I show them the picture. There is one specific photo I always pull up, though not even showing me at my heaviest it seems to have the most profound impact on the physical difference.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Diet and Lifestyle: How To Survive Holidays

For those trying to balance health and wellness with the typical American lifestyle, holidays might be a stressful time. Activities that center around food (lots of food!) and alcohol can be overwhelming and considered destructive to an otherwise healthy routine. Here are 4 easy steps for you to “stay on track” during your holiday extravaganzas.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Progress is Not Linear

Most people have goals of improvement. Whether it’s in their career, relationships, in the gym or everyday life. It’s so easy to get discouraged with minor setbacks. When something doesn’t go the way we necessarily plan or hope, we seem to lose sight of the bigger picture.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

How Not to Be Supportive

I could just as easily title this article as “How To Be Supportive” and highlight the same issues. But that wouldn’t grab your attention. Also, we all pretty much know how to be supportive, in a general sense of the term. But for people who struggle with commitment and accountability, it’s not necessarily about being supportive – it’s making sure you’re not inadvertently being unsupportive.

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Amy Cimo Amy Cimo

Don’t Find Your Routine. Find Yourself.

We are more than a month into COVID19 restrictions and stay at home orders, and times have been challenging for everyone.

I originally agreed to write this article as a “how to” on keeping your routine in this new normal. I was 3 weeks into my new normal and had found my footing – I was getting up at the same time every morning for a virtual workout with my same group of fellow gym members and friends, I was following my same nutrition and wellness guidelines I set for myself, working my same hours and doing my best to be just as productive as always while also taking time to relax. I thought I could share some tips on how others might keep from just treading water.

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