my story

Reaching a weight goal is only half the battle. Maintaining it is the other half. But having the right state of mind and learning to love yourself through all of it is the real struggle.

I was overweight my whole life. But I was healthy for most of it. When I reached my heaviest weight, all of a sudden, I wasn’t healthy anymore. My blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol were high and I knew diabetes was on the horizon for me if I didn’t get it under control.

I lost an initial 50 pounds on Weight Watchers, then gained it back quickly when my birthday rolled around. I got back on the wagon and lost it again, until I started a new relationship that pushed my anxiety through the roof. Once I got out of that relationship, I found a plan that helped me lose the most weight I had ever lost and fit into sizes smaller than I ever had in my adult life. But I still yo-yoed. I had a routine of going off the rails, then reining it in. I knew what to do to lose weight when I wanted to, but couldn’t maintain it through holidays, activities and life changes.

Like a lot of others, I realized I had been depressed most of my life. I thought losing the weight would make me happy. It didn’t. I thought losing more weight would be the key. It wasn’t.

Eventually, I learned I needed to learn to love myself no matter what to live free of restriction and bingeing. I allowed myself to let go of the stress of the scale. Only then was I able to start maintaining my weight loss, find joy in my daily life, and let love in from others.

I held a corporate job for 13 years until the pandemic changed that. I found solace in my gym that had become a second home for me. I began working the front desk, eventually becoming a trainer and nutrition coach.

After going through my own yoyo weight loss journey coupled with anxiety and depression, I understood the frustration of wanting to lose weight. It also took me a long time to understand that reaching a weight goal wasn’t the answer to happiness, and I needed to find internal peace and love.

As a coach, I value the respect for health and self-compassion first. This is where my Nutritional Therapy journey began - using foundational elements to support the body’s own internal balance for optimal wellness. Because weight is rarely an indicator of health.

I have a desire and passion for eliminating diet culture, weight bias, and the stigma that goes along with being in a larger body. I love helping others find balance between nutrition, movement and mindset. Because everyone truly deserves to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

-Amy Cimo, NTP, PN1-NC, NASM-CPT,
Founder & Holistic Wellness Supporter

View my NTP Certificate here.

Together, through health and wellness coaching, we’ll find an energy balance that meets you where you are.