Triggered. “I kindly ask that you not comment on my body.”
This week, Jonah Hill made headlines because he asked for people to not make his body a topic of conversation. A message to his Instagram followers was complete with acknowledgement, understanding and a simple note of it “doesn’t feel good” regardless of the intent. I can’t do it enough justice when I tell you I felt that with every inch of my soul.
Listen To Me, I’m A Self-Care Expert
Just kidding…. I won’t even pretend I’m an expert in self care. In fact, I’m the exact oppposite.
Here’s what I’m an expert in:
Intense anxiety.
Crippling self doubt.
Stress-induced insomnia.
Obviously, imposter syndrome. (Amiright?)
Laying on my couch staring at my ceiling because my brain is a frozen ball of overwhelmed mush and I have no ability to do, think, or literally move at all.
Supplementing A Healthy Lifestyle
With all the vitamins and supplements that are in the market, it can be hard to know what to look for when you want to add something extra to your daily routine. I often get asked what things I incorporate into daily life or my fitness routine, so I put together a list of things that I currently use.
Body and Mind Transformation
People who’ve only known me in recent years are often surprised to find out I have gone through my own weight journey. When I share I have lost 100 pounds (give or take), it’s met with disbelief until I show them the picture. There is one specific photo I always pull up, though not even showing me at my heaviest it seems to have the most profound impact on the physical difference.
Diet and Lifestyle: How To Survive Holidays
For those trying to balance health and wellness with the typical American lifestyle, holidays might be a stressful time. Activities that center around food (lots of food!) and alcohol can be overwhelming and considered destructive to an otherwise healthy routine. Here are 4 easy steps for you to “stay on track” during your holiday extravaganzas.
Progress is Not Linear
Most people have goals of improvement. Whether it’s in their career, relationships, in the gym or everyday life. It’s so easy to get discouraged with minor setbacks. When something doesn’t go the way we necessarily plan or hope, we seem to lose sight of the bigger picture.
Don’t Find Your Routine. Find Yourself.
We are more than a month into COVID19 restrictions and stay at home orders, and times have been challenging for everyone.
I originally agreed to write this article as a “how to” on keeping your routine in this new normal. I was 3 weeks into my new normal and had found my footing – I was getting up at the same time every morning for a virtual workout with my same group of fellow gym members and friends, I was following my same nutrition and wellness guidelines I set for myself, working my same hours and doing my best to be just as productive as always while also taking time to relax. I thought I could share some tips on how others might keep from just treading water.